Snow-covered mountains in the evening light

Hotel reviews of our 4* Hubertushof Hotel in Stuben

Reviews and ratings – Read what our guests have to say about their stay at the 4* Hubertushof Hotel. Discover through genuine reviews, customer opinions, and experiences why our hotel in Stuben at the Arlberg is an outstanding choice for your next holiday.

Hotel Quality
94.41% Guest satisfaction
40 ratings
of 6
95% Satisfaction
178 ratings
of 10
6 ratings
Perfect stay
Traveled on 01.01.2025 as Pair 6.00 from 6
Exceptional location to ski in, ski out. Excellent atmosphere, staff, cuisine and services
Traveled on 01.01.2025 as Pair 6.00 from 6
The Hubertushof is a very special place to stay: welcoming staff, wonderful food and a luxurious spa area.
Ski trip and one week stay at Hubertushof
Traveled on 01.01.2025 as Single 6.00 from 6
An excellent hotel, great food, handy for the ski slopes and off piste.
A choice of airports to fly to from the UK and quick transfer time

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Headboard of a bed & a picture of icicles on the wall